NAME : Miss Pritcha Chodchoy
Present Position : Lecturer
Bachelor of Accountancy
College of Industrial Technology and Management
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
TEL : +6696 881 4148
EMAIL : pritcha.c@rmutsv.ac.th
- Master of Business Administration Program in Accountancy, Prince of Songkla University
- Bachelor of Accounting, Sripatum University
Teaching Experience
- Over 15 years of teaching and conducting research experience
- Teaching in the Modern Budgeting, Software Package for Accounting, Accounting Theory and Business law and Taxation.
Research Interests
- Environmental Accounting Research
- Sustainability Research
Academic performance
- Factors affecting the accounting of households of Khanom district Nakhon Sri Thammarat. "Innovative Research and Innovation by the King" National and International Conferences 13th Research on December 14-15, 2017 at the school building in honor of the 80th Anniversary of Surat Thani Rajabhat University.
- Training program using Express Software.
- Train the Trainer Draft new financial reporting standards for accountants nationwide.
- Critical (draft) qualifications for undergraduate degree Department of Accounting.