NAME : Miss Namfon Channual
Present Position : Lecturer
Bachelor of Arts Program in Hotel and Tourism
College of Industrial Technology and Management
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
TEL : +6688 399 6498
EMAIL : lovelypiggygames@hotmail.com@hotmail.com
- Master of Business Administration in Hotel and Tourism Management, Stamford University
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese (International Program), Prince of Songkhla University
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese, Yunnan University, People's Republic of China
Teaching Experience
- Lecturer in Business Management Program, Rajapruk College
Research Interests
- Logistic for Tourism Industry
- Marketing for Tourism Industry
- Chinese for Tourism Industry
- Business Plan , Start up
Academic performance
- Namfon Channual, Kroekwut Kanthaing and Natnalin Srikhiew. (2559). The Expectation of Chinese Tourists towards the Marketing Mix concerning to the Tourism Product of Phuket’s Tourism Industry. The 4 th Suan Sunandha Academic Nation Conference on Research for Sustainable Development 2016: 641-652.
- Namfon Channual, Metaporn Meedate and Kroekwut Kanthaing.(2560). Guideline to Increase the Potentiality of Agritourism according to the Pak Phanang Basin Area Development Project Under Royal Initiatives. The National Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Saen Conference (The14th) : 2050-2059
- A guest lecturer Chinese for Hotel and Tourism Industry
- A guest lecturer in English for Hotel Service
- A guest lecturer in Marketing for Tourism Industry