NAME : Mr. Apirun Chanthong
Present Position : Lecturer
Bachelor of Engineering Program in Electrical Engineering
College of Industrial Technology and Management
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
TEL : +668 7280 1366
EMAIL : apirunchanthong@gmail.com
- Bachelor Degree Bachelor of Science in Technical Education (Electrical Engineering), Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Southern Campus
- Master Degree Master of Science in Technical Education (Electrical Technology), King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
Teaching Experience
- Illuminating Engineering
- Renewable Energy
- Engineering Education
Research Interests
- Illuminating Engineering
- Renewable Energy
- Engineering Education
Academic performance
- Luksanasakul, A.; Chanthong ,A. “Questioning Techniques Promote the Critical Thinking in Engineering Education,” 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. , pp. 1049-1052, 25-28 April 2017.
- Tantiviwat Sugchai, Sudram Arkom , Chanthong Apirun, and Kerdthongmee Priwan. “Microwave Drying Machine for Sea Bass Leathers,” International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Environmental Engineering. 299, pp. 92-96, 2016.
- Sudram Arkom,Karnna Chayaphon,Chanthong Apirun. and Tantiviwat Sugchai, “Manufacture of the Printed Circuit Boards for Microstrip Transmission Line Circuits,” International Conference on Electrical,Mechanical and Industrial Engineering . 332, pp. 146-149, 2016.
- Tantiviwat Sugchai, Intarawiset Nattapong, and Chanthong Apirun. “Design of Microstrip Triplexer Using Common Dual-mode Resonator with Multi-Spurious Mode Suppression for Multiband Applications,” Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vols. 763, pp. 182-188, 2015.
- Chanin.O., Chanthong. A., & Sriprasert. P., (2013). Sustainable Tourism Industry Management in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. Proceeding in Economic, Marketing and Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January, 19-20, 2013.