Business Information System Student Miss Benjaporn Khaikaew reciered the Grand Award prize (1st prize) in Undergraduate Research Program Competition , the project title was “The Application System of Admission Qnota Students”
The Best of Excellent Award (2nd prize) was received by Miss Aranya Chookheaw , The project title was “Payroll Account System” as well as reciered the Award of Excellent (3rd prize) for 5 awards in the ASEAN Undergraduate Academic Conference in Computing : AUC 2015 at Rajanagarindra Rajabhat University , Chachoengsao province during 28th April – 1st May 2015
The participants were from 32 network universities over the country and overseas. The oversea universities included. The Open University of HongKong , Quijing Normal University (Chaina) , The National university of Laos , university of Battamburg (Cambodia) and Meanchey University (Cambodia). During this academic conference , there were various participants presenting their project research by both oral presentation and posters, 425 work pieces and there were approximately 1,500 participants.